Asiga Pro4K build trays are available in the following configurations:
- 2 liter
- 5 liter
- 10 liter
Why do build trays expire?
Asiga Pro4K build trays are built with a flexible membrane to house resin during the printing process.
This membrane is subject to wear&tear during the printing process and stretches over time.
If the build tray becomes damaged, it may cause a resin spill or worse – damage to your printer.
To prevent unwanted spills or damage, Asiga programs the build trays to stop working when their intended lifecycle has been reached.
Cleaning the build tray
To ensure your build tray works for it intended lifecycle, please follow the below video when you have a print failure.
Print failures can cause debris in the build tray. This debris can puncture the tray causing a resin spill.